Wian Stipp is one of our very talented Middle 5 pupils. Wian is a very keen designer and is interested in the idea of branding. Here he shares some of his most recent work...
Applying a logo to the package
“ My work is mostly focused on branding and 2D redesigning but I occasionally do photography. I enjoy taking brands like ‘Coca-Cola’, ‘Hollister’ or even making my own (as shown above) and redesigning the logo, package and its website interface. I use illustrator to make the logo, Photoshop to apply it to the package and design the website and then I import all my work into Adobe Indesign to put it all together. Usually, I upload my designs to Behance, which is an Internet page where photographers, artists, designers and illustrators can share their work and be noticed by others. I use Behance to research and to get ideas for my projects. My Behance - https://www.behance.net/WStipp ” – Wian Stipp