On a beautiful, bright and dewey Tuesday morning in late September the Design Department took 44 middle five students to Thetford Forest, armed with 11 DSLRs, 11 white sheets, 3 voile sheets, 11 mirrors and 3 kaleidoscopes. The brief was simple - In a group of 4, experiment, document and discover what you can in an hour and a half. We set an expectation of no less than 100 images and coaxed our pupils into thinking creatively. M5 came away with some exceptional images, which they are currently in the process of editing during Mr Passams lessons.
We are setting up a new exhibition space within our department building on the high walls of the stairway up to A2, where we would like to showcase photographs from our Thetford trip. We would like to hold this as a competition amongst our pupils to hand in in their best images. We will then curate the best 15 - 20 images effectively within the space. If parents and staff would like to pop in towards the end of Michaelmas Term to see the work in situ, please do!